
Help your child make sound-word associations

Every new word is a mystery your child solves using both visual and auditory cues. A child intuitively deciphers a new word based on prior knowledge of having listened to the word, or units contained in the word. At the same time, children also develop visual retention and discrimination. Following this, children decode texts using the correspondence between sound and word remembered as image. The Zoomer app has scientifically developed audio and print-trackers, that is, text-highlight features that underline and wrap text as the child hears it being narrated. The underlining helps your child track units within words, leading to phonemic awareness. The colour-wrap of phrases helps the child read by chunking. These elements of reading are in constant interplay. This means that your child has to be allowed to experience each of these stories multiple times and in numerous ways. Each time they read along with the narration, they are honing their skills as reading sleuths!